
About Talia

Discover the personal story behind Talia, a revolutionary product for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. Join us for a conversation with Krishna Ika, the founder of Basil Health, and discover whom Talia is named after, what`s the mission behind the product and what the future of it looks like.


Tell us a bit about the inspiration behind Talia.


Well, it actually started back when I was in university. I met my best friend, whose grandma had Alzheimer’s disease. Watching her go through that was really tough, and it made me realize just how devastating this disease can be.


That’s really sad. What did you decide to do about it?


I knew I wanted to do something to help, but at the time I wasn’t sure what. It wasn’t until years later that I had the idea for Talia.


What is Talia, exactly?


Talia is an early-stage Alzheimer’s detection system. It’s named after my friend’s grandma, who passed away from the disease. The idea is that by detecting the disease early, we can slow its progression and hopefully one day find a cure.

Ultimately, our goal is to make Talia available to as many people as possible and work towards putting an end to this devastating illness


That’s really interesting. How does it work?


Talia uses a combination of advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze a person’s brain function and identify any signs of cognitive decline. It’s a non-invasive, easy-to-use system that can be administered by a healthcare professional.


That sounds like an incredible mission. What drives you to continue developing Talia?


Every time I think about my friend’s grandma and all the people out there who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease, it fills me with a sense of urgency. I know that every day that goes by without a cure is another day that families are struggling with the devastating effects of this disease. I want to do everything I can to help find a solution, and that’s what drives me to keep pushing forward with Talia.


That’s really admirable. Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?


I just want to say that if you or someone you know has been affected by Alzheimer’s disease, you’re not alone. It’s a difficult journey, but there is hope. With early detection through Talia and ongoing research, we can work towards a future where no one has to suffer from Alzheimer`s. Ultimately, our goal is to make Talia available to as many people as possible and help find a cure for this devastating disease.


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